Last December which does not seem that long ago, although it was. I wrote a review of one of my favourite books Nigel Slater's Kitchen diaries. I'm not going to review it again, so don't worry anyway you can look up my review. This book got me started on keeping a food diary of my own. I'm now in my fourth year and my diary has changed quite a bit. It doesn't chronicle everything I eat or cook. Who cares what I had for breakfast in June if it all is was was a piece of toast with Vegemite. Now i use it to document recipes I cook, and any changes or opinions on how well they worked, if I want to cook them again. Its a place to collect other recipes or references I want to look up later also great for writing down cooking techniques you may have picked up. I always set up a page for Dinner party ideas just a list so i know where to look. Looking back I can see how my interests change, and also how often i come back to things I really love. The diary has a strength over a simply recipe collection in that you find all the dishes you like in the cooler months all together. I am just recommending the idea to anyone who is interested.
Please feel to comment on any of any of these posts, feedback is always good. However Katherine sarcasm is not.
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